GP Carers Register
GP Surgeries keep a register of all patients that are caring for someone who is either unwell or disabled. This can enable health professionals to better understand the condition of the person you care for and to look out for warning signs of illness that are common amongst Carers.
When registered your GP surgery might be able to offer flexible appointments, extra support, possible home visits, flu vaccinations and help with prescriptions.
The Carers register can be accessed by 111, ambulance service and hospitals which enables them to identify you as the person that knows their patient the best.
The Covid 19 pandemic highlighted the need for Carers to be listed on their GP Carers register as this enabled them to receive the Covid Vaccine sooner.
How do I do this?
Print off and complete the form below, returning it to us as soon as possible, and we will ensure your records are updated:
Durham County Carers Support
Enterprise House
Enterprise City
Meadowfield Avenue
County Durham
DL16 6JF